9,826.94 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
39.04 TRY Interest Interest
76.43 USD Fossil Oil Fossil Oil
31.77 USD Silver Silver
4.63 USD Copper Copper
106.94 USD Iron Ore Iron Ore
349.00 USD Shipbreaking Scrap Shipbreaking Scrap
3,368.17 TRY Gold (gr) Gold (gr)

İsdemir announced that it will hire new workers

Iskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. (İsdemir) has announced that it will recruit new workers in the hourly paid status. Applications will be accepted between 08.00-16.00 on weekdays between February 10 and February 21, 2025.

İsdemir announced that it will hire new workers

İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. (İsdemir) announced that it will be hiring new workers in an hourly wage status. Applications will be accepted from February 10 to February 21, 2025, on weekdays between 08:00 AM and 04:00 PM.

According to the announcement, candidates can submit their applications by entering through the İsdemir Cumhuriyet Gate and proceeding to the Indoor Sports Hall. In addition to in-person applications, first-degree relatives of candidates (including spouses and siblings) can apply on their behalf with a copy of the population registration record. Moreover, an online application process will continue through a link provided during the application.

Application Requirements:

  • Be between 18 and 30 years old (born on or after February 11, 1994, and on or before February 9, 2007)
  • Graduated from vocational high schools in the fields of electrical-electronics/energy, industrial automation, mechanical technology, metal technology, metallurgy technology, or motor vehicle technology
  • Graduated from vocational schools in the fields of electrical-electronics/energy, industrial automation, mechanical technology, metal technology, or metallurgy technology
  • Preferably completed military service
  • Medically fit to work in the “very hazardous work class”
  • No physical or mental health conditions that could prevent the performance of job duties

Evaluation Process:

After the application period, candidates will undergo examination and evaluation processes. Those who successfully complete these stages will be employed under an hourly wage status within İsdemir.

The company will continue recruitment throughout the year based on operational needs. 


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