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Increasing trend towards renewable energy in the world

The demand for energy in the world is increasing day by day. Although energy demand was stagnant with Covid-19, this situation did not last long, with the recovery of the economy and the removal of restrictions, energy demand started to rise again.

Increasing trend towards renewable energy in the world

Global energy consumption continues to increase every year in proportion to the population. By 2035, it is estimated that the amount of energy consumed in 1998 will be doubled and tripled in 2055. The trend towards 'renewable energy sources' for electricity generation is on the agenda all over the world, both against the rapid destruction of natural resources and the damage these resources cause to the environment. Efforts to produce energy without the need for fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas continue at full speed. Technologies for energy resources are being developed by experts. With the increasing awareness of both state policies and citizens, the orientation towards 'green energy' has increased in the world. Electricity tariffs comparison and supplier switching site encazip.com analyzed this change in the world and in Turkey.

The covid-19 epidemic, which affects the whole world, continues to affect the global energy demand. In 2020, when the impact of Covid-19 was intense, global energy demand decreased by 4 percent. This is II. It was the biggest drop since World War II and the biggest absolute drop ever. In 2021, energy demand continues to increase as the restrictions imposed within the scope of covid-19 measures are lifted and the economies recover. Emerging markets drive energy demand above 2019 levels. 

The share of renewable energy in energy production can reach 30 percent
Experts, who predict that natural resources will also run out, keep renewable energy policies on the agenda to meet this increasing energy demand. According to EMBER's 2021 Global Energy Report, the share of renewable sources in electricity generation is predicted to reach an all-time high of 30 percent in 2021. It is predicted that the total of nuclear and renewable energy will exceed the electricity generation in coal power plants around the world. It is also estimated that oil from natural resources will be exhausted in 50 years and natural gas in 200 years. Renewable energy sources gain importance in terms of helping to protect the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The tendency towards renewable energy sources is increasing, both with the danger of depletion of natural resources and with the evaluation of the damage these resources cause to nature. Renewable energy sources include hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, wood, plant residues, biomass and tides.

Renewable energy on the rise in the world
According to the IEA's Global Energy 2021 report, renewable energy grew at a record high in 2020, led by wind and solar power, with the decline in global electricity demand. Demand for non-renewable resources decreased by more than 3 percent. Coal was the hardest hit of all electricity sources, down 440 TWh in 2020. Gas-fired power stations experienced less reduction in production compared to others. Oil fell 4.4 percent, continuing its uninterrupted global decline since 2012.

Wind energy may increase
According to the 2021 Global Electricity Report, “renewable energy continues to be the success story of the covid-19 era.” Renewable energy demand increased by 3 percent in 2020. The electricity sector marks the largest annual growth on record in absolute terms, with renewable energy demand expanding by more than 8 percent, reaching 8300 TWh. The share of renewable energy in electricity generation is expected to rise to almost 30 percent, the highest share since the start of the Industrial Revolution. The field with the largest share in renewable energy production is wind energy. Wind is projected to experience the largest increase in renewable energy generation, growing 275 TWh, or about 17 percent, from 2020. Experts are of the opinion that there will be an 18 percent increase in electricity production from solar energy.

The share of renewable energy increased to 43 percent in Turkey
While the share of all renewable and nuclear energy in total electricity production in the world was 34 percent in 2015, this number increased to 39 percent in 2020. While the share of all renewable energy in total electricity production in Turkey was 33 percent in 2015, this number increased to 43 percent in 2020.

What is the latest situation in Turkey?
When we look at the electricity production in Turkey on a resource basis, the share of coal is 34 percent, the share of natural gas and oil is 23 percent, the share of hydraulic, bioenergy and other renewable energy sources is 31 percent, and the share of wind and solar energy is 12 percent. its share in production has been increasing. Renewable energy sources accounted for 43 percent of the total electricity produced in Turkey in 2020.

Nuclear power plant under construction

Work continues for the nuclear power plant, another renewable energy source. The construction of Turkey's first nuclear power plant, which started in 2017, is planned to make Akkuyu power plant operational by 2026. The first of the four units is scheduled to start operating by 2023. The government's goal is to build two more nuclear power plants by 2030.

Change in energy production in Turkey in the last five years
According to experts, Turkey is in one of the lucky regions of the world in terms of renewable energy sources. According to the 2021 Global Electricity Report, electricity generation from coal has been on the decline for two years. Experts state that the stagnation in electricity demand for two years and the increase in wind and solar energy production put coal in the background. According to the report, the main reason for this 7 TWh decrease is that the growth in electricity demand has entered a temporary stagnation period in the last two years. In addition, the increase in electricity production from natural gas in 2020 caused coal production to remain in the background. According to the report, the changes in Turkey in the last five years are as follows:

Renewable energy accounted for only one-third of electricity production in 2015, but about half (43 percent) in 2020.
Since 2015, the share of wind and solar has tripled their share in total energy production.
Wind and solar energy accounted for 12 percent of production in Turkey in 2020.
While the production share of wind and solar energy in the world has doubled in the last five years, a three-fold increase has been achieved in Turkey, from 4% to 12%. The world average is 9.4 percent. With this increase, Turkey outperformed the world average and even surpassed the United States.
Wind and solar energy increased their share in total generation from 4 percent to 12 percent (+23 TWh) in the last five years.
Hydropower remains the main renewable electricity source in Turkey, but its share in generation was recorded in 2020 at the same rate as in 2015 (26 percent).
The share of natural gas in electricity generation has decreased from 37 percent to 23 percent in the last five years.
Electricity generation from coal has grown by 39 percent (+28 TWh) since 2015. In 2020, it fell by 6%.



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