In 2023, the global steel production picture remained broadly stable, with China maintaining its dominance as the world's largest steel producer, producing a steady 1,019.1 million tonnes. India saw a significant increase in steel production, up 12.3% to 140.8 million tonnes, strengthening its position as the world's second largest steel producer
Other countries showed minor changes in their production levels. The U.S., Russia, South Korea, and Iran saw slight increases, while Japan, Germany, Türkiye, and Brazil experienced decreases.
Japan experienced a slight decline in production, dropping by 2.5% to 87.0 million tonnes, yet it retains its rank as the third-largest producer globally. The U.S. showed a modest increase in steel production by 1.1% to 81.4 million tonnes, maintaining its fourth position in the global ranking. Russia's steel production rose by 6%, allowing it to keep its fifth place among the world's top producers with 76.0 million tonnes in 2023. South Korea also saw a slight increase in production, up by 1.4%, maintaining its sixth position with 66.7 million tonnes.
Germany's production decreased by 0.8%, yet it holds its rank as the seventh-largest steel producer. Türkiye experienced a 4% decrease in steel production to 33.7 million tonnes in 2023 but remains in the eighth position. Brazil saw a significant reduction in steel production by 7% to 31.7 million tonnes, maintaining its ninth position. Iran's production increased by 1.3% to 31.0 million tonnes, keeping it at the tenth spot among the top producers.
1 yorum yapıldıyılın ikinci yarısında ihracatlar artmaz ise, 2023 yılı rakamlarını ararız.
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